Posted: Mar 18 2022

I have been asking my lovely customers how they would like to proceed with the mask mandate being removed in Ontario as of March 21st. A huge majority of you intend to keep your masks on for the coming weeks.
It is a personal choice whether you do, or do not, wear a mask.
I support your decision either way.
Everyone will adjust to this change in policy at their own speed.
I ask that you remain kind, respectful, and courteous to others in the shop.
When you visit DISTILL, you will find me masked and the air purifier on. There will be hand sanitizer available for you and there are extra masks should you decide to wear one indoors.
For those of you who are feeling especially vulnerable as mandates are removed, I am still offering private appointments so you may browse and shop in DISTILL. Please email me at: or call 519.814.9600 to make arrangements.
Curbside pick up and local delivery continue as well.
There is free shipping for online domestic orders $150+.
Masking in DISTILL is not mandatory. But, it is appreciated.
We have come a long way in two years.
Please continue to be kind and courteous to others.